PHRASE:Na dean sin!
PRONOUNCED:naw dane shin
MEANING:Don't do that!
PHRASE: Gle mhaith!
PRONOUNCED:glay moth
MEANING:Very good!
PHRASE:Rinn tu e!
PRONOUNCED:rinn two a (as in the letter a)
MEANING:You did it!
February 2006
PHRASE:Ba mhaith liom cupan tae
PRONOUNCED:Buh wah lum cup-onn tay
MEANING:I would like a cup of tea?
PHRASE:Le bainne? Le siucra?
PRONOUNCED:Leh bonn-yeh? Leh shu-kreh
MEANING:With milk? With sugar?
PHRASE:Ta se ro-laidir/ro-lag/an dheas
PRONOUNCED:Taw shay ro-law-dirr/ro-logg/on djas
MEANING:It is too strong/too weak/just nice
January 2006
PHRASE:Slainte agus tainte!
PRONOUNCED:slawn-che oggus tinn-che
MEANING:Health and Wealth!
PHRASE:Go mbeire muid beo ar an am seo aris!
PRONOUNCED:guh mware-eh mwid beow air on omm shuh ah-rish
MEANING:May we be alive this time next year!
PHRASE:Athbhliain faoi mhaise dhuit!
PRONOUNCED:ought-bleen fwee may-sheh dwit
MEANING:A prosperous new year to you!
November 2005
PHRASE: Fainne oir ort!
PRONOUNCED:fawn-yeh ore urt
MEANING:A gold ring on you
(Bravo! or Well Done!)
PHRASE:Go dte tu an cead
PRONOUNCED:guh day two on kade
MEANING:May you live to be 100
PHRASE:Go maire tu!
PRONOUNCED:guh mire-ehh two
MEANING:May you live
(Congratulations! or Live long!)
October 2005
PHRASE: Oiche Shamhna
PRONOUNCED:ee-ha how-nah
MEANING:Halloween (the night before Samhain)
PHRASE:Tabhair feirin dom no buailfidh me bob ort!
PRONOUNCED:tour ferr-een dum no booligg may bob urt
MEANING:Trick or Treat
(give me a treat or I will play a trick on you!)
PHRASE:Tine cramha/Cailleach/Taibhse
PRONOUNCED:tinneh cravh-sheh/coll-yuk/tavh-sheh
September 2005
PHRASE: Fomhair/Geimhreadh/Earrach/Samhradh
PHRASE:Ta se ag cur baisti
PRONOUNCED:taw shay egg curr bosh-tee
MEANING:It is raining
PHRASE:Ta mo eadie fliuch
PRONOUNCED:taw muh ea-dee flee-uck
MEANING:My clothes are wet
August 2005
PHRASE: An mor ata air?
PRONOUNCED:on moor ah-taw err
MEANING:Ho much does this cost?
PHRASE:An dtogann tu caratai credit?
PRONOUNCED:on duggan two car-tee credit
MEANING:Do you take credit cards?
PHRASE:Ceannoid me e
PRONOUNCED:kyan-oh-idd may a
(a as the letter A)
MEANING:I'll buy it!
July 2005
PHRASE: Ta me go hiontach
PRONOUNCED:taw may guh hyun-tock
MEANING:I am wonderful!
PHRASE:Ta me tinn
PRONOUNCED:taw may tin
MEANING:I am unwell (sick)
PHRASE:Ta tuirse orm
PRONOUNCED:taw tier-sheh urm
MEANING:I am tired
June 2005
PHRASE: Sean is ainm dom
PRONOUNCED:Sean is ann-imm dum
MEANING:Sean is my name!
PHRASE:Ca bhfuil Maire/Sean?
PRONOUNCED:caw will Maire/Sean
MEANING:Where is Maire/Sean!
PHRASE:Ta se/si sa teach/ostan
PRONOUNCED:taw shay/shee sah chock/us-tawn
MEANING:He/She is in the house/hotel
May 2005
PHRASE:Ta se go brea
PRONOUNCED:taw shay goh braw
MEANING:It is sunny!
PHRASE:Ta se scamaillach
PRONOUNCED:taw shay scomm-ill-ock
MEANING:it is cloudy
PHRASE: Ta se ag cuir baisteach
PRONOUNCED:taw shay egg curr bawsh-stuck
MEANING:It is raining!
April 2005
PHRASE:Na dean sin!
PRONOUNCED:nah dane shin
MEANING:Dont do that!
PHRASE: Cuir sin sios
PRONOUNCED:cwirr shin shees
MEANING:Put that down!
PHRASE:Fuirich air falbh on teine
PRONOUNCED:fwirr-ick err voliv on dyan-yeh
MEANING:Stay away from the fire!
February 2005
PHRASE: Eireann go Brach !
PRONOUNCED:air-inn go braw
MEANING:Ireland forever!
PHRASE:Cead mile failte romhat!
PRONOUNCED:kade meela fall-cheh row-itt
MEANING:A hundred thousand welcomes!
MEANING:Good Health!
January 2005
PHRASE: Buchaill/cailin maith!
PRONOUNCED:boo-kill/coll-een mott
MEANING:Good boy/girl!
PHRASE:Na dean sin!
PRONOUNCED:nah dane shin
MEANING:Don't do that!
December 2004