It is virtually impossible to get an abortion or termination of pregnancy (to give the procedure its correct term) in Ireland. Only in very rare circumstances where the life of the mother is in immediate grave danger should the pregnancy continue is termination permitted. This is due to our constitution not allowing abortion. You cannot "pay" to have an abortion here it would be illegal.
That doesn't mean women in Ireland don't have abortions they just have to travel to the UK or Europe and pay to have the operation there. Around 5000 women a year travel abroad for this reason and a mini-industry has grown up around this, the clinics themselves, airports and taxi companies all benefit from the steady flow of desperate women having to leave the country. In the UK abortion is available both on the NHS and and privately so therefore is much more accessible.
There would be opposition to "abortion" in Ireland because most people are brought up Catholic and it goes against their way of thinking/believing to abort babies, they believe in the right to life at all costs. If you are not Catholic you still have to abide by these rules which I believe is unjust.
If men could became pregnant I am sure there would be morning after pill vending machines in every pub in the land and abortion on demand. Women were treated as second class citizens for a long time in Ireland. Access to contraception and divorce are fairly recent advances here. I don't suppose many women relished the though of being pregnant for the 10th time in as many years? I could be wrong.
A lot of propaganda by the Pro Life organisations show horrific photographs of foetuses where a late mid trimester abortion has been performed which tends to cloud people's judgement. Most abortions are done before 10-12 weeks when the foetus is tiny and cannot survive outside of its mothers body.
However nowadays many people do believe it is the woman's right to choose what should happen to her body and if she is accidentally pregnant when she doesn't choose to be ie due to rape or failed contraception or if the baby has severe birth defects then she should be allowed to have an abortion, the earlier the better, if that is her choice.
Edit @ david d you are kidding yourself if you think Irish women don't "kill the unborn" of course they do, they are just not allowed to do it in Ireland they are forced to travel abroad. I suppose you think its great that teenage girls are getting pregnant with no means of supporting themselves and end up on welfare and being given council houses at the taxpayers' expense?