Is it easy for an american to get a job in Ireland anywhere? & How much is a 2 bdrm. apartment in Ireland?
2006-02-03 11:16:18 UTC
This information is for a friend of mine. Not myself. But this person is asking me to help them out; since they don't have a computer.

Also what is the nicest & cheapest town to live in? Do they have bus systems? My friend doesn't drive.

I would any type of information you could pass on to me; so I can tell my friend. THANK YOU!
Two answers:
2006-02-05 13:14:38 UTC
anyone can get a job in ireland as long as they have a clean record. a 2 bedroomed apartment could cost a lot depending on where u live dublin very expensive and tipperary cheap check out for some prices. overall ireland is very expensive so u aint going to find a cheap town. sorry. nice town cavan not sure about buses. but it all depends on where ur friend gets a job. look up jobs
2006-02-08 17:13:55 UTC
200 euro a week for a two bed apartment , as long as you have the neccasary visas then theres no trouble , a bit more difficult if you don't (but possible)

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